The time to go global is now.

Are you tired of (machine) translation garbling your marketing messages?


“Want to go beyond ad algorithms and numbers? Go to the next level and connect directly to your foreign language audience thru translating your content.”


Your analytics and observations showing you spikes of international business activities but you are missing out on the sales after that?  You don’t know where to start and which foreign market to approach? And how can you budget for the translation of your website already?

Our Translation Resource Guide can function as a compass. It gives you a general outline, resources you can use and information to build a solid ground to ask the right questions.

In this guide, you will find resources on

  • Identifying your foreign market right for your investment
  • Best practices on global business communication
  • Finding and working with a translator, interpreter, agency or team that you can trust
  • Tools for streamlining the process efficiently (cost and time-wise)
  • International marketing, networking, and community

Download this companion resource guide now!

We will be updating this guide regularly, adding new resources as we come along or creating them. You’ll receive the updated version notice quarterly as long as you are subscribed here.