Tender at the Bone – Continued
A Spanish bistro in the heart of the city, in a house individually shaped through history since 1930, with murals depicting a fairy tale from the founder of modern Russian literature, Alexander Pushkin, with just enough seating that the Chef can greet every guest personally and still cook their meals – with a careful selected team, of course. This is Olivar, and it is the perfect setting for a small personal event with food writer Ruth Reichl and those special fans who love food, write consistently, explore continuously new recipes – yes, I am speaking of the food blog writers of Seattle.
Keren Brown of Keren Brown Media made it all happen and we had a wonderful dialog with Ruth Reichl where we not only talked about food but also about women and more specifically mothers, and in particular about the relationship of child and mother – about Ruth’s latest book “Not becoming my Mother”. It was Ruth’s big challenge to write it, pushed beyond her comfort zone as food memoirs writer and editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine, and into a realm of emotions, briskly ones, because they start as early as in the womb. It changed Ruth’s understanding of her mother completely, filled her with tenderness and love for her – to the bones.
After the dialog, Chef Philippe Thomelin served appetizer, tender, brisk and unique as his restaurant and the event with Ruth Reichl.