12 Days of Thankfulness

Appreciate your German customers, guests, partners & vendors during this Holiday Season


with Katrin R Galati

For 12 days, you will receive an email daily providing you German-specific information and related tips that will help you show your German customers, guests, vendors and partners that you appreciate and care about them.

Say Thank you in this Holiday Season

(even if you don’t speak their language – yet)



Don’t miss it!

12 Days of Thankfulness

  • learn more about the Germans in your business life
  • show them that you care, build loyalty and increase sales
  • receive marketing tips to use all year long

At the end of these 12 days, I am drawing a winner from all participants to receive a personalized gift in the mail.


I designed this series for two reasons:

#1 For You as a way of having a 2-way-conversation with your German audience so they buy from you (and not your competitors) and;

#2 For me as a way of giving Thanks to You for being in my audience 🙂