“The picture is not representing Dresden, Germany, with all its pride and glory.
Why I love it for that? That’s the real Dresden how I know it from growing up there, stunning of pompous culture, but also dark of ruins and old buildings…

In the early morning when the sun barely rises and most tourists are sleeping, the streets are cleaned that moment. People rushing to work, waiting for the street car. The smell of fresh bread from an already open bakery … pigeons cooing … love it! “
— Katrin R. Galati

Ready to Start a Real Conversation with Your Audience & Customers in Germany?​

Doing business in a foreign country and not speaking the language can be daunting, confusing, scary … not understanding your customer reviews or the easiest question they might ask. Trusting Google Translate with your marketing messages, or a human translator who doesn’t know much your brand is like playing Russian roulette.


Websites are born internationally (by click on that URL from anywhere in the world) but people are not. Yes, they are open to being global, and yet they feel grounded and safe by their individual culture, including language:

Over 50 % of internet user’s indicated at a research that they wouldn’t buy online if the information isn’t in their native language.


We are here to help. We not only translate, localise and transcreate your content for your German audience – we provide you with the tools and education to empower you to see the many options and make best strategic content translation choices for your business.


Choose your own journey

DIY – for you & your team

You prefer taking things in your own hand, you are working with a VA or translation partner? Find resources for you and your team on our website, in the Blog, on our Instagram channel.

New: Join Bilingual Impulse! A resources hub and space where I’ll be talking, applying and testing creative and innovative ways to run a business in English and German.

Consulting for Online Businesses

Please fill out the application for the best use of our time.


Inspired by: Market Research

Researching your market can be so much more than just numbers and facts. That research can be repurposed or be the impulse for well-rounded marketing in your business. Explore more and get yours here…

Translations, Transcreation & Lokalization for your Business

Do you need business translations? Or do you want your marketing messaging, email campaigns and sales pages stand out for German audience? We are on your side when you are expanding your business to the German speaking markets.

Contact us for your individual project.

Wir bieten demnächst auch ausgewählte Inhalte in Deutsch an! Falls du informiert bleiben möchtest, kannst du uns gern Bescheid geben.

Let’s talk about your business in English and German.